Did it ever happen to you that you love to do something but the day that you do it in front of people it doesn't go the way you expected? Well it did to me, as you can read in my title I have a passion for singing.
     Singing is something that I enjoy and love to do. I love to sing karaoke songs or just sing along the music.Well  I ones sing in a church reunion in front of everybody ,I had practice singing the songs and I thought it was going to be easy but it wasn't. I got really nervous and everybody could barely hear what I was saying, I got really embarrassbut they told me it was good.Well this was just a little experience that happen to me, but I am going to keep trying to not get nervous anymore.
    I think that the singing career its a little hard because you have all this presentations to do. You also have a lot of  tours to go to, and sometimes you barely see your family. What I really want to do is not to become a really famous singer , I just want to sing songs for  God. I feel that you can express yourself or express things you believe in by singing a song. I don't just want to make songs that make you dance or music that has good rhythm, I want to make music that has a message!! Music that by listening to it could make you feel better when your sad, or make you have hope when you think there is none. Make music that touches your heart and makes you be thankful for the life you have. Music that says how you feel in those happy moments. 
    That is the music I want to sing and make, thats what I think music should really be about.Expressing love and peace to the world especially in these times where you see and hear of war and evil things happening.

What do you love to do? What are the talents you have? Can you make something positive out of your talent?

Olufemi Olubodun
9/24/2012 01:19:44 am

I love those that sing and especially those who sing songs that glorify God.
I will like to hear from you if you are reading this soon.
I am reaching you from Africa and with a message of love for what you like going-singing.

9/26/2012 06:18:40 am

Hi Magdalena!

I can't hear, I wear hearing aids. But I love music and play the piano and guitar :) I'd like to sing songs. I have many hobbies.
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